
As the exam are over now for the 12th std and will be getting over for the 10th std the media and newspaper will be flashing the news of the Suicide committed by the student of 10th Std :%$amp; 12th Std. Under the heading of the fear of failure. My question to all, is it really "Fear of Failure" or lack of awareness regarding own self, own ability, and poor development of self-concept$%:

Once the student had started with the year which are so called deciding year in any one's life suddenly the focus is totally shifted to only one aspect of the student personality and i.e. studies only studies nothing else besides getting good marks is left in his life constantly under the close eye watching from the parent, society, and now the pressure is added from the media also. Every one has a very genuine reason for this of having concern about them and there future. Student are acting like the robert all the time running from one class to other class if not class then in some tuition, school homework, solving question of different year, from class, and many parent also set some question for them and the are all the time either doing the class work, or home work from tuition its like 24* 7 all the time studying and if they don't do that its not accepted from their parent part the 'should' and 'must' are so strong that it creates the very tight boundaries around the student which they can not cross until and unless they rebel against their parent .

The whole world is colored with only one colored, color of mugging up, solving paper and doing nothing besides studying. Parent use the 10th std and 12th std as a reason for not attending the social gathering, any family function, if by any chance they do any adjustment they have attended the function the only question ask to student is how are the studies going on$%: That it with a list of solution about Do's :%$amp;Don'ts which they have to follow as if the whole personality of a student is only being a student enjoying anything is treated as a sin committed by student because reason is " whole life is their for enjoyment so hold on to it" it is an unwritten rule that "you have to score good marks" the whole worth of a student is just narrowed down to only how many % the student is getting the final exam nothing else is left in his idea of self concept every this is just a race of getting the good marks. How far a student can stand in the competition.

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We are worried about the asteroid coming and clashing with earth and will destroy the earth in 2036 but the near destruction we are doing to our future generation is just overlook if the trend is continued then we might be not having a good human race to be live up to 2036. I feel that the generation we are nurturing today has become only student their childhood has taken over by the student hood in the whole game of student hood every one is looser whenever I see the generation who are just passing its 10th :%$amp; 12th std. I could easily identify this situation with a horse race when every one is just focusing on only one quality of the hoarse i.e. running, running till the last breath of their life and paradoxically running not for you but because other wants you to run don't you feel we are doing the same thing with our children. They are also running in a race of ambition created by parent, running without a purpose decided by them without any idea of what to achieve after coming first or by winning the race, many of them win the race but not all are able to stand as a winner in the whole race.

The whole world who was all the time providing the attention to them are now turning back to them the whole world is now empty for them no one is their to listen to them and till now never exposed to any other ability of own only studies was the single and most important aspect of their life. Now suddenly there is a total shift in the whole scenario, life has left with no meaning finding own self worthless so incapable to cope with the society that poor child is not able to handle, and finally he "commits the suicide"
Is it a "fear of failure" on the child side or on parent side$%:

If this student are well aware of their own potential in advance they are well equipped with the objective information about the career, parent and the child are mutually selecting the way which child pursue in the future and flourish in wholestic manner then this competition will not gulp any more life.

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